"UP" is an awesome movie. I don't even know where to begin... I think UP might be my new favorite pixar movie. It is that good. Just thinking about the movie makes me want to watch it again... All I can say is within the first 10 minutes of the movie, my heart melted. The movie is so uplifting, I wanted to believe the house can fly up with the balloons in the sky. UP definitely brings out the kid in me, but at the same time keeping the story real and sentimental for the more mature side of me haha. Not only did I finished an adventure, I travelled through all the different shades of emotion. Anyways, I am not going to spoil the movie for people that haven't watched it yet so I'll just end this entry with one of my favorite lines from the movie, "I hid under the porch because I love you"... hehehe UP is soooooooo awesome :]