I guess growing up in one of the most liberal States, it is only natural to say no on prop 8. However, there are some issues I find pretty controversial. The proposition in a gist states that marriage is only valid between man and woman. Why is proposition 8 so controversial? Because it eliminates "same-sex" marriages. Not trying to play devil's advocate, but in my opinion marriage is still between a man and a woman. Not because I am a Catholic, but how else can you make babies? I know a lot of queers out there use the argument that if people cannot procreate, then impotent individuals should not have the right to marriage either. I just want to say that the analogy is not the same, not being able to reproduce is a medical condition. If you compare impotent males to queers then you are acknowledging that being a homosexual is a sickness. The only reason I would vote no for prop 8 is because of the political agenda behind banning "same-sex" marriage, but a part of me feels like saying yes because it is ridiculous to change the definition of marriage. If there is no definite definition of marriage, simply an union between two people, then how can you say incest or pedophilia is wrong? The only reason "same-sex" couples want marriage to be recognized is because Civil Union does not offer the same rights. Proposition 8 really has nothing to do with marriage, except both politicians and queers are using the definition of "marriage" to gain footing in the fight for human rights. Voting yes would mean discrimination, but voting no would mean changing the definition of marriage. That is as dumb as saying abolishing all the races and just call ourselves humyn because a minority is sick of being labeled different. Yes, we all know queers are being discriminated against. But, we also know who gets all the girls... you don't see me complaining....